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Here In Oakland

Art & Life


September 30, 2021


Thursday. A now usual sort of a night, I guess: to sleep after ten to awaken at five-thirty, blink, and then awaken for good at six-fifteen. Up to take the blood pressure (126/83, 116/77, 123/76), a little high, and so took the med before setting out walking to breakfast, the air cool, the sky clear, arriving at the usual time to enter the indoor dining area, turn on the lights and settle in at my table with the papers.

The two strips of bacon, scrambled eggs, country potatoes, toast, fruit cup and coffee for no particular reason, the weight even better on the scale this morning, finishing up by just after nine to set out for home taking the usual set of pictures, but feeling a little tired and so wondered if taking the blood pressure med had significantly lowered the pressure as it has occasionally done in the past.

Arrived to take the selfie in the lobby, happy to not have to run to the bathroom for a change, but take the blood pressure again (lower and better) before settling in at the computer to finish yesterday's entry, post, process the morning pictures and start here.

Later. Sent the blood pressure info to the cardiologist, printed and filled out the paperwork required tomorrow for the COVID booster shot and watched the last episode of The Chestnut Man. Not great, The Chestnut Man, but not bad either.

Evening. Watched the Phillies-Braves game on and off into the evening, checked out Vera at eight. I'd seen it before, remembered who'd done the evil deed, didn't need to see her catch him again.

The photo up top was taken at the Oakland 2014 Chinatown StreetFest with a Nikon D4s mounted with a 70-200mm f/2.8 VR II Nikkor lens.