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Here In Oakland

Art & Life


September 29, 2021


Wednesday. To sleep not long after ten to awaken finally for good at six-twenty, so probably a long enough night's rest. Listened to the rest of Democracy Now! that had started at six to then get up and drive to breakfast, planning on driving to the lab for a Protime blood thinner test when I finished, arriving at the restaurant a little early to settle in at my inside table and start on the papers.

The two strips of bacon, scrambled eggs, country potatoes, toast, fruit cup and coffee again, finishing up just after nine to walk to the car realizing that it might be best to go by a bathroom. Decided I'd go home and drive to the lab later before noon just in case it got out of hand. Best I did, as I ended up hurrying at the last minute to reach the bathroom after taking the selfie.

Edited yesterday's entry, posted it and then drove to the lab, lucking out in getting a parking space nearby and not finding a long line of people waiting when I arrived. Got the deed done and drove home, stopping at the 7-11 look-alike for the first time in months to buy a pint of strawberry ice cream. Haven't had one now in a long time and so ate it as I processed this morning's pictures, finishing up writing this just after noon.

Later. Lied down and zoned out for a while, watched more episodes of the The Chestnut Man, a Netflix Danish series on the tablet, as well as the usual news programs. Got an email from Walgreens advertising their COVID shot program and so signed up for a Friday appointment to get the booster shot six months and one day after having gotten the second vaccination shot on the last day of March.

Evening. I'd seen the Midsomer Murders episode at eight, didn't much like it when I saw it then and so went to bed not long after eight. Ended up taking three of the blood pressure meds to keep the blood pressure down today. Still running on the high side and so we're in no better shape than we were yesterday when I vowed to contact the cardiologist. But why am I not surprised?

The photo up top was taken at the Oakland 2014 Chinatown StreetFest with a Nikon D4s mounted with a 70-200mm f/2.8 VR II Nikkor lens.