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Here In Oakland

Art & Life


September 28, 2021


Tuesday. To sleep around ten to awaken at five-thirty (again) and so listened to Democracy Now! at six before getting up and walking to breakfast under clear skies, arriving at the restaurant at the usual time and settle in at my indoor table. Not a bad start for a day was my thought.

The plain waffle with sliced bananas and strawberries, fruit cup and coffee for no particular reason, the weight just fine on the scale this morning, finishing up after nine to walk straight home snapping the usual series of pictures under a now brighter sun.

Arrived to take the selfie in the lobby before settling down at the computer and finishing yesterday's non-entry entry, post, process the morning pictures and start here.

Later. I was supposed to get my Protime blood thinner test today, but put getting it off until tomorrow after breakfast and did the laundry instead, finishing up in the middle of the afternoon with all of it now folded and hung. There was a baseball game available on Prime and so watched the tail end of a Mets game. Not sure what's happening there, as yesterday they didn't show any games available for today and tomorrow, but now today they do. Not complaining, but odd.

Evening. Decided there was nothing I wanted to watch on television and so to bed not long after eight with the lights out just after nine. The blood pressure was running higher than I liked to see when I took it at eight-thirty, having taken a dose of the blood pressure med earlier at two when I was seeing similarly high numbers, and so I suspect it's still out of whack.

Yet you have yet to send that email with the readings to your cardiologist.

Even I'm a little embarrassed about that.

The photo up top was taken at the Oakland 2013 Chinatown StreetFest with a Nikon D4 mounted with a 70-200mm f/2.8 VR II Nikkor lens.