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Here In Oakland

Art & Life

Today at the pump

My sister!


Under here.

January 11, 2011

Lesson Tomorrow

Tuesday. OK, the head seems to be screwed on reasonably tight, none of this double vision stuff and funky feelings of these last few days. A product of my outing Saturday? I wonder. Yes, I had more than a couple of drinks, but I didn't push it and there was no particular strain or actual exercise involved. Just this or that? Just an old man carping? Actually, none of this strikes me as having to do with age, but I suspect that's a common conceit. Such is life (someone tends to repeat).

To bed early, up with the alarm at a quarter to six. A quarter to six as opposed to six gives me just enough more time to properly finish reading the papers. Sometimes it goes more quickly than others, but I need about an hour and a half and five forty-five allows me to arrive at six-thirty, an hour and a half before the meters start working at eight.

Is that such a big deal?

I say it saves me two or more bucks to park, but really, it saves me from having to walk that early in the morning. I'm happy to walk later, indeed get out with pleasure most every day depending on the weather, but walking in the morning seems to suck.

A haircut later this morning at ten. How much shorter should I have the hair cut? Nobody seems to have longer hair anymore, certainly no one who's working at an office. I wonder if, as the baby boomers retire, if they'll change the fashion? If they still have the hair. You can tell I'm ambivalent about this longer hair business. There's a certain wild eyed look about it that I don't find comfortable, yet I continue. We'll see. We'll continue to experiment. I just hope it doesn't lead to becoming a weird old curmudgeon. I don't feel like a weird old curmudgeon. A curmudgeon, yes, but not a weird old curmudgeon.

Later. A slight trim on the sides, nothing off the top. We'll leave it at that for another month. Seems right.

Still overcast. A bus downtown to get the haircut, a walk maybe half the way back before getting on another bus and home. Cold. Cold for here in Oakland. No complaints, reading the tribulations of others. What's happening in Australia? Droughts and now once in a century rain storms? As they've had in Pakistan? Summer heat in Russia? But we've gone over this before. Must be something other to discuss, to think about. Guitar practice for one. Come to think of it.

Later still. An afternoon of scanning black and white negatives and guitar practice, all the while the various news programs playing in the background. How many times can I hear the same news repeated? More than I might imagine from the look of things.

A walk down the way to the sushi restaurant after five to have my usual fare followed by green tea cheesecake. I do like that green tea cheesecake. And the spicy muscles. And the calamari. And the California Maki. I suspect they could just bring it out by now without my ordering. And a large flask of hot sake. Feel pretty good now that I'm home.

A little more guitar, I'm thinking. Not making much progress, but I'm getting my practice in. It goes in steps (they say) and I guess I'm stuck on a step. More at my guitar lesson tomorrow.

The photograph was taken of a store window on Grand near my sushi restaurant with a Nikon D2X mounted with an 18 - 200mm f 3.5 - 5.6 Nikkor DX VR lens.