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Here In Oakland

Art & Life


September 3, 2018


Monday. Lights out after nine to awaken then at the usual time of twenty after six but, having been warned the restaurant wouldn't be opening until seven-thirty this morning, did my best to doze off and get up finally at a quarter to seven, the time I'd usually target to be leaving during the normal week when walking. Whatever. Overcast, an easy drive to arrive before seven-thirty and find the restaurant up and running.

The two strips of bacon, scrambled eggs, country potatoes, toast and coffee for breakfast, finishing up just after nine. No thought to go by the supermarket and so drove straight home to edit yesterday's entry (and finding errors to correct in the Saturday entry as well) before posting. Obvious errors that should have jumped right off the page/screen yesterday if even an idiot had been paying attention.

Still overcast at ten, although the sun looks like it's going to break through quite soon. Must be something going on out there, something I can photograph if I put my mind (and butt) to it. He said.

Later. Watched the golf tournament on television before feeling guilty and thinking there must be people over at the lake and so packed the camera in the backpack and set out, unpacking the camera after I'd crossed Grand. Not sure hiding it in the backpack makes much difference for the short distance I carried it, but walked by the white column pergola and on along Lakeshore taking one or two pictures.

I realized the sinus-upper palate wasn't aching. Rare, these days. Felt good, although a bit light headed as the blood pressure indicated when I set out - 89/68 - and when I got home: 92/68. Not sure I shouldn't have been even wobblier, but evidently the blood pressure med taken yesterday takes its time kicking in.

Up to 112/63 at ten after five, checking after lying down in a session with a Netflix thing on the tablet. The pictures I'd taken earlier were either crap or similar to too many I've taken in the past, but at least I'd taken some.

Evening. To bed early again. I'd checked out the Miss Fisher's Murder Mysteries episode on television that started at seven but, as I have in the past, decided to bail. Dissecting the reasons you react one way or another to various movies and television programs is probably a pretty good substitute for a psychiatrist's session. Don't really want to know what they'd come up with if they should look at mine.

At the 2016 Oakland Chinatown StreetFest taken with a Nikon D5 mounted with a 70-200mm f 2.8 VR II Nikkor lens.