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Here In Oakland

Art & Life


October 14, 2015

The Dark

Wednesday. I did watch the debate clear headed, whatever ocular related event it was came and then left within a very short period, although that period was when I attempted to reload the pill dispenser with next weeks pills, thinking, well, not thinking at all with how it turned out. To bed early, nothing I wanted to watch on the tablet, the news not holding my interest and so lights out well before ten to get an uneven night's sleep. Ah, well. Maybe just too much excitement.

Awake at seven, though. Slept in a little. Good. Up to walk to breakfast on another clear going to be sunny (going to be too damned hot for this old fart) morning and back to wrestle with yesterday's entry, the ocular incident not allowing much writing last night. Thinking of taking a nap. It's late morning now and I'm thinking bed rather than a bus to Latham Square, although another trip to the ATM is needed today or tomorrow.

Later. Dragging our feet a bit but, you know, not so much as not to catch a bus downtown with the camera in the backpack, getting off at Latham Square and shooting a set of photographs. A walk then to the City Center at one to have a tuna fish sandwich and small coffee at a table in front of the bagel shop before backpacking up the camera again and catching the bus home.

So far, so good. Off at the 7-11 look-alike to buy an ice cream bar (yes chocolate covered with almonds), figuring I'd gotten the week's ice cream ocular adventure out of the way yesterday, walking on to take the apartment house construction site pictures, the dark cloth netting coming down off on the Bellevue Avenue side. Looks good.

Home now at two, we'll work on pictures and, if we're really ambitious, we'll work on another web section of the apartment house photographs. “Work on”, no promises we'll finish today. Or tomorrow.

Later still. Processed today's pictures. Takes a while, not sure if I'll get to another web site section later now or not. We'll see. Well, we'll see right now (two hours later): another section up and posted. Still two months to post before we're current.

Evening. Another rerun of a Death In Paradise episode I've seen more than once before and so nothing on television and nothing I wanted to continue from my never ending list of movies I'm in the middle of on the tablet so to bed and lights out before ten. Well, at ten, we listened to the 6 minute NPR news broadcast at ten (in the dark).

The photo up top was taken this morning leaving the café after breakfast with a Nikon D4 mounted with a 135mm f 2.0 DC Nikkor lens.