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Ben & Nick's today at lunch.

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October 29, 2007

Figured Out
Monday. Overcast today, but the attitude seems to continue to improve, which is very good given the way things have been going this last week. Thoughts of ways to change and re-engage with the photography, a continuing realization that this is Monday and there's no office to attend, no tasks except for tasks I set for myself to complete. Perhaps I'm finally getting tired of sitting at the computer playing Freecell, thoughts of well, I could do this, I could do that, not because they need to be done, but they'd be fun. Diddle-dee-dun.

I drove to breakfast this morning and then drove down the way to prove to the state of California I was a resident. Dug out the passport which I see is due to expire in another two years. Plenty of time to go somewhere exotic like Portland or Vancouver, B.C. between now and 2010. Well, that's not very clever. I have a passport, it has no visa stamps. Seems a waste, but whatever urges I'm experiencing (positive urges, as I've noted) don't include travel. But we'll see, we'll see.

Lunch this afternoon with some of the usual crew who are considering taking a brief vacation next week in Civil War territory, visiting some of the old battle sites. They're interested in them for some reason. I'm less interested and with the head pooping along I've opted out. My grade school and high school years in New York surrounded by remnants of the Revolutionary War put me off on any idea of touring the area. Yes, the Civil War is not the Revolutionary War, but psychological connections don't depend on logic. That and this screwed up sinuses wobbly head thing will keep me at home. Q.E.D.

I've never used an electric toothbrush before, but bought one over the net recently as my dentist suggested I get my act together. This one is a Phillips Sonicare and I figured, what the hell, how complicated can it be? So I turned it on and brushed as they suggested. The gums, the lips and the tongue went into vibration overload and itched like a son of a bitch. I asked Mr. E at lunch today if he used one (yes, he did) and had he had the same problem? Yes, was the answer. Did the tingling, itching go away after a while? Yes it did, he said. I wonder if it also has to do with the aching upper palate and the fact my lower lip feels numb all the time, adding somehow to the effect? Boy-howdy. I was thinking life got simpler as you got older and finally had everything figured out.

The photograph was taken at Ben & Nick's today at lunch with a Nikon D2X mounted with a 17 - 55mm f 2.8 Nikkor lens at 1/8th second, f 2.8, ISO 100.