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Here In Oakland

Art & Life


May 13, 2020


Wednesday. Not a bad night's rest, awakening at three minutes after six to listen to Democracy Now! until seven when I had to think about getting up and getting ready to walk to breakfast, getting out the door at seven-forty and arriving ten minutes (well, maybe eleven minutes) later to enter the closed off dining room, turn on the lights and settle in with the papers. Overcast with some sun breaking through as I was walking in.

The two strips of bacon, eggs over medium, country potatoes, toast, fruit cup and coffee for breakfast, finishing up well after nine to walk back home, taking a picture of the veterinarian's office window on the way along with the unending series of flower pictures one after another, the walk flying by when compared to the walk in.

A bicycle something or other on the way (and so a picture), another of two Revel (or revel) scooters parked on Burk (no scooters spotted by the lake) and then up for the selfie before taking care of yesterday's anemic entry before starting with this.

Later. The replacement power supply arrived this afternoon, the replacement for the recalled flat bed scanner power supply with a history of starting fires from what the Epson email said. An easy phone call after I received the notice to get it done. Don't need any fires here, in or out of season.

Otherwise watched more detective series on the tablet with various levels of interest and dialing into the usual news programs, although I'm noticing I'd paying less and less attention to all the coronavirus stuff. There's only so much gloom and doom you need to hear, day in and day out, before you decide to get distracted. Stay inside, wear the mask, hope the morning travel to breakfast and back doesn't end up biting you for being stupid is more than enough, you don't need a constant barrage of people repeating it over and over.

Evening. I'm starting to believe I watch television in the living room in the evenings just to get away from lying on the bed with the tablet if only to change the scenery around a little bit. Watched Midsomer Murders at eight, not believing any of it, but still finished watching it all the way through at nine-thirty before going to bed. Listened to the BBC News until ten turning out the lights soon after.

The photo up top was taken while walking home from breakfast this morning with a Nikon 1 V3 mounted with a 10-30mm f 3.5-5.6 VR Nikkor 1 lens.