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Here In Oakland

Art & Life


May 6, 2019


Monday. Nothing on television last night and so to bed with lights out again by nine-thirty, awakening at a quarter to six. Good. Quite overcast while walking to breakfast, but no rain and not much in the way of watering eyes to arrive to find the restaurant open.

The two strips of bacon, scrambled eggs, country potatoes, toast, fruit cup and coffee for breakfast, just a pound over target on the scale this morning. Finished up fairly early by eight-thirty and walked back, the clouds still looking ominous on the way, although the weather people are saying we'll be out of any danger for rain by noon. Passed by the car that's now sit for well over a month gathering tickets and wondering what the story might be, home to take the requisite selfie and post yesterday's entry.

Now, after yesterday's outing, what can we do to get outside for some exercise? Lessen the paranoia carrying a camera? Get the ass in gear? Many questions, all of them asked many times here.

Stop talking and actually do something?

Too radical for a Monday. You should know better.

Later. Tired and so lied down for over an hour. So much for enough sleep last night. Up to set out for the Broadway ATM, but got to the bus stop to discover I'd read the wrong column on the printed schedule and the bus wasn't coming for another fifteen minutes. OK, off to walk to the Lakeshore ATM, stopping by the bagel shop to have a yogurt parfait and coffee at one of their outside tables on the way back. A good walk, but tired when I got back and so took a bath and frittered away the rest of the afternoon.

Evening. Watched two episodes of a Danish series that runs on Mondays. Only half remembered who'd done what in last week's episode, but that's no longer unusual. Same with the Finnish series that followed. Didn't remembered any of this one from its last Monday episode.

The photo up top was taken yesterday at the How Weird Street Faire with a Nikon D500 mounted with a 24-120mm f 4.0 VR Nikkor lens.