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Here In Oakland

Art & Life


May 24, 2018


Thursday. Lights out before ten and to awake then at ten minutes after six. Good. Awoke briefly at five-thirty, but closed the eyes and suddenly it was ten after six and so we'll say it all ended up right on mark.

Another low cloud overcast day. No rain although they're saying a good chance of some tomorrow. The Eggs Benedict, country potatoes, fruit cup and coffee for breakfast, pouring over the papers a little longer this morning and so heading out back to the apartment at nine. Still overcast, but more people out on the sidewalk this time.

We'll get the Protime blood thinner test at the lab later, but maybe in the early afternoon. Tired and a little hungry at the moment, maybe eat something and then take a nap, attempt it right now in fact.

Later. OK, I was tired, but set out before eleven, a bus to Broadway and then a walk to the lab, no one waiting and so in and out of their door in ten minutes to have lunch at a table outside the building café. Good, the air was bracing and had immediately eliminated whatever it was that I was describing as “tired” once I'd left the apartment.

I'd brought the camera in the backpack and so pictures of the apartment house construction site across from the lab building at Webster and Hawthorne, to mark how much progress they've made in this last month since the last visit, and then farther on to the construction site at 27th and Broadway. More pictures of the sites along Webster and 23rd as well, but nothing I didn't get yesterday when I went by the Broadway ATM.

Missed the bus by three minutes, saw it arriving early at the stop as I was approaching Grand, so waited at the nearly coffee shop over a small coffee for the next bus to arrive. That didn't arrive. Walked about halfway home before I crapped out and waited on another bus to take me home. If I wasn't pooped earlier this morning, I was now.

Evening. Watched more of the Korean series (the episodes are an hour long) through the late afternoon and into the early evening, although aspects of it are now reminding me why I'm more often than not am put off by the society's handling of boy-girl relationships and their over the top to the point of cartoonish angst and drama on the screen. But that's my problem. I'm the one who's decided to watch the damned thing.

Got up to see the Doc Martin episode at seven because I'm crazy, but then stayed for the Happy Valley episode that started at eight. Still couldn't make out half the dialogue, but at least the general story line made sense, although most of the characters seemed to be operating with less than a full deck. Angst and drama, of course, but less cartoonish than the earlier Korean flick.

At the Oakland March For Health earlier this month taken with a Nikon D5 mounted with a 70-200mm f 2.8 VR II Nikkor lens.