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People's Park

May 4th, 2002

Today In Oakland
PISCES (Feb. 18-March 19): Uranus moves to the 29th degree of Aquarius. Over the next year, events build in intensity. This is aimed at getting you to take the next step forward in your life. (SF Chronicle.)
If it gets any more intense I'm going to explode. Hard to say what they mean by "next step forward": a deteriorating prostate or a trip to Nirvana? One hopes Nirvana. And Nirvana is nowhere near Fresno. Or Redding. Or Daily City.

No, I don't follow horoscopes, although I read mine in the morning. When it sounds good I say "OK, sounds good" and when it sounds bad or doesn't make sense I shrug and get on with the comics section. Besides, what's the 29th degree of Aquarius? Anything to do with the Dawning of Aquarius, a muddled but nice song from the days of my youth?

Yes, it's Saturday afternoon having returned from breakfast (the electricity was out when IMen's shop in Oakland  awoke, some 5,000 people in my area without power), spending two hours at the office followed by shooting the 150th anniversary of the founding of Oakland, every surge suppressor and LED popped and flashing when I returned to the apartment. There was an impromptu performance by Sheila E, who is evidently from Oakland. I got some pictures. Kinda cute. There was also a woman I think works at the company whom I've seen occasionally eating lunch at the City Center (and would never make eye contact) dancing in the crowd in front of the band. My, my. Turned the old heart over a couple of times, pump! pump! Got some pictures. Doesn't happen much anymore, nice when it does, pump! pump! No, she wouldn't make eye contact, but no complaints, I settled for pictures.

Nice day today in Oakland.

The photographs were taken at People's Park in Berkeley.