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Here In Oakland

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March 12, 2016

The Dark

Saturday. Finished The Ninth Gate on the tablet last night before lights out not long after nine. Odd movie, interesting and frustrating script, as mentioned. Awoke at six-fifteen after a decent night's sleep, insofar as I'm able to tell anymore. Felt good enough, anyway. Not raining, although it was wet, but a drive to breakfast rather than a walk, the wipers on slow driving back.

Another rise in gas prices making four days in a row, enough said on that. Another picture of the pandorea flowers if only to show (myself) I could get them in focus and now home to contemplate going to photograph the St. Patrick's Day Parade in San Francisco. Will it rain? Probably not. If I were to bet. Grey and overcast and feeling like rain, but I'm guessing not until later when they say another good size storm is due to arrive. We'll know soon enough.

Later. So much for St. Patrick's Day, I'm afraid. No real thought to go to San Francisco to photograph it. It hasn't rained (to any degree, at least) and I thought about it quite a bit, but not enough to get me off my duff. Life in the fast lane (pulled over at the curb).

Again, overcast, maybe a walk to the ATM later this afternoon, maybe not. A bit of discomfort being cooped up in the apartment, but not enough to open the door. A rationalization would be to just, you know, walk over to the lake and back. Walk to the farmers market. Think about going to the Grand Lake theater for a movie. Maybe not a movie, I have trouble enough watching one on the tablet.

Later still. OK, out the door just to, you know, stick my nose out the door and then maybe walk over to the lake if the mood struck, the sky dark with gusts of wind, a drop or two of rain, but not yet suggesting it was going to start in any real way. For a while.

Over to the lake still not sure I wouldn't turn back. Not many people about, but people walking the lake and the sidewalks, so onward thinking I might cross back across the street again and get a bagel and coffee at the café just down from the fitness center.

Reached the light feeling pretty good, warm with the winter coat and the goose down jacket, so on to the farmers market and, going through the same sequence of thoughts, on to the ATM to return finally to the café by the fitness center for that bagel and coffee. Some very light rain in patches, otherwise home dry enough to say it wasn't. Raining. Yet.

Evening. Television, not very good television, and then to watch stuff on the tablet. My, my. Staying inside to stay out of the rain does not lead one to happy habits. Some time on the guitar: good, a pat on the head for that, I guess. Otherwise check the clocks for losing an hour tomorrow morning, get ready to start walking to breakfast in the dark again.

The photo up top was taken walking along Broadway earlier this month with a Nikon D4 mounted with a 24-70mm f 2.8 G Nikkor lens.