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She likes my journal !!

International recognition!


Telegraph Avenue
March 27th, 2000

Last Week
This has been a tattered month. My thought was to skip the journal this evening, watch Ally McBeal and get to sleep as soon after ten as I'm able. I watched the Academy Awards last night, of course, on and off, and couldn't get to sleep until well after eleven. Sunday nights have dragged over these last couple months, lying in bed watching the ceiling, thinking old guy thoughts and not sleeping. Catch up Monday night. Sleep like a fucking log. Still, the idea is to write every night and not bore everybody to death death death. Not bore me to death death death. Would I read these very words if I hadn't written them? Curious thought. I assume so. There would be a certain, um, recognition. And I think that is so most nights except for those that I don't, like this one.

I ducked out on the On Display collab again this month. I am informed I can duck out on two in a row Dick H. before I'm history. Maybe I need to be history. Suddenly I really really really don't want to sit down and write my thoughts on the subject of the moment. Maybe I'm lazy. Maybe I'm chicken. I know I need a vacation. The world needs a vacation. I need a trust fund. I need a woman who's never existed. I need a circus where I can shoot pictures and write stories about lions and tigers and crying young ladies on flying trapeses. I need to find Jesus. And, through strain and sorrow, night and tomorrow, I need to write just as many words as it will take to frame this picture of my friend Dick H. with whom Sam and I had dinner last week.

The banner photograph was taken through an open coffee shop window at the corner of Telegraph and University in Berkeley. It's not particularly remarkable in any way, but I'll shoot more and see if I can't do better. I like this technique, using a 50mm or 35mm lens with the camera prefocused and sitting on the table, watching people as they come into view and pressing the shutter if something strikes me about them. Just something to do over coffee, not as much fun as shooting at eye level, but an interesting practice. I'd like to see if I can get any results. The picture of Dick H. was taken at dinner in Fremont last week.