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Here In Oakland

Art & Life


February 3, 2020


Monday. Lights out and radio off by nine-thirty, we seem to be pretty good about that, to awaken not long after six to get up and get ready to head out walking to breakfast on a clear and cold morning, arriving before seven to find the restaurant open and people (not many people) inside. OK, good, settled in with the papers, another week ahead.

The two strips of bacon, scrambled eggs, pancakes with butter and syrup, fruit cup and coffee for breakfast, finishing up somewhat early around eight-thirty to walk home, snapping a couple of pictures of some odd things people had left on the sidewalk, two more pictures of flowers in sidewalk planters and then a shot of the Grand Lake theater marquee just because.

Two scooters by the lake, we haven't seen them in these last couple of days, the stripped Christmas tree trunk because how could I not and a somewhat funky selfie in the lobby before heading upstairs to the computer and the morning tasks. Takes about an hour or so to download the pictures, futz with yesterday's entry before posting and getting started here. Routine. Gets us going in the mornings.

Except that's usually all you get done in any given day.

We do tend to become distracted by the time the morning is drawing to an end.

Later. Another not much happening afternoon spent mostly in a nap, watching things on the tablet, the news on television and then following along on the radio with the Iowa caucus well into the evening, growing frustrated along with the rest of the world on the delay.

And more delay until it was obvious they weren't going to release the results due to whatever was happening. Still, looks like Bernie Sanders has done well and Joe Biden has hit a wall, but I'm looking forward to seeing if that's what happened whenever they release the results tomorrow. If they release the results tomorrow.

The photo up top was taken at the January, 2016 March For Bernie gathering at Lake Merritt with a Nikon D4s mounted with an 70-200mm f/2.8 VR II Nikkor lens.