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Here In Oakland

Art & Life


March 2, 2017


Thursday. Lights out early again to awaken at six-thirty, later than I'd like, but off to breakfast on another clear morning, the sun coming up over the eastern hills as I was walking. So good.

The oatmeal, toast, fruit cup and coffee for breakfast. Whatever happened yesterday after eating a breakfast on my ocular migraine to be avoided list (and I'm not really sure anything did happen), we'll go with the safer choices for the while, if only because I prefer them.

Nothing on the calendar to do today, although we did get some things done around the apartment yesterday and may, just may, accomplish more today. A minor thing, you might rightly say, but an indicator around here all this sunlight is having a good effect.

I did take another picture of that flower (there's a bunch of them below the Lakeshore School), but backed off the exposure two full stops this time instead of one and finally got something closer to a balanced exposure. Why haven't I done this before, backed off the additional stop? Lazy? Don't care? Lazy you can fix, but don't care is more systemic and worries me. Should worry me.

Later. So much for getting anything done. Still, a good late morning and now afternoon. The usual news shows on television, but nothing much otherwise. Too much time on the web, no time on the tablet, no thought to take a nap. Warm outside, but no desire to get something to eat, other than what's in the kitchen. No progress in rearranging the apartment to some good effect, but no surprise there.

Later still. Finished watching The Tunnel on the tablet. Kept my interest, although the plot was unbelievable and none of the characters were all that cuddly, but, in their weardness, of interest.

Evening. Watched the beginning of Democracy Now! I'd missed this morning, took a look at Charlie Rose briefly as well as a PBS English detective thing. Bailed on all of them including the detective thing.

The photo up top was taken at the Betsy DeVos demonstration at the end of January at Frank Ogawa Plaza with a Nikon D500 mounted with a 24-120mm f 4.0 VR Nikkor lens.