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Here In Oakland

Art & Life


June 25, 2017

That's It

Sunday. Lights out by ten. I think. Awakening at six-fifteen to get ready and then leave for breakfast at six forty-five. Still no East Bay Times. Then again there'd have been no time to read it anyway, as I needed to drive to the downtown 12th Street BART station to catch the first train to the Embarcadero station in San Francisco and photograph the Gay Pride Parade. Still....

The plain waffle with sliced bananas and strawberries, fruit cup and coffee for breakfast, getting back into the car by eight. No traffic and so an easy drive downtown to find an open parking spot by the 11th Street BART entrance and so no problems encountered in making the train. Boarded at the very front in hopes of finding an open seat and lucked out, all nine cars behind it with standing room only, packed with extra people obviously heading to the parade.

And that was it. Overcast, but warm enough in a long sleeved shirt and light jacket, close to two hours of shooting, walking up and down Market behind the barricades. Lots and lots of people, coming up with what I'm guessing will be three sections of photographs. No complaints. Headed back to Oakland fifteen minutes before the parade started. Tired, but not all that tired and in a good mood.

Home processing the photographs, as many as possible today, anyway, don't expect to finish more than one or two sections. Some of the photographs are good, some are less good, but another parade is in the can, this my twentieth year of photographing this thing.

You want a gold star? A pat on the head?

Yeah, but for still being clear headed enough to make the calculation. Took me a sequence or two to be sure. Twenty years. Missed attending a couple of them there in the middle, but that's still a lot.

Evening. Processing pictures and web pages. Not as many have gotten done as I'd have liked, but onward again tomorrow. After this long day today we're done.

Watched two of the old Elementary episodes I've seen long enough ago that I don't remember much of either of them, processing at least one photograph during each of their many advertising breaks. Nothing much else on and so to bed, I'd say, take a look at the tablet, maybe read for a minute or two, but that's it.

The photo up top was taken at today's San Francisco Gay LGBT Pride Parade with a Nikon D5 mounted with a 70-200mm f 2.8 VR II Nikkor lens.