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Here In Oakland

Art & Life


February 16, 2018


Friday. Lights out by ten to awaken then in the middle of the night with a stomach ache. OK. What's that about? Back to sleep to awaken at ten to six, the stomach just fine. A feeling of relief. Up in what seemed a decent shape, albeit with the head in its usual fuzzy state. I say this having zoned out and tripped up my usual get out of bed and get ready routine, forgetting I hadn't taken in the newspapers and folded them together to have them in hand before heading out the door. A minor memory “glitch”, but one that happens more often was the thought.

Clear skies, but cold. Had the oatmeal, toast, fruit cup and coffee for breakfast (two pounds up on the scale this morning). Spent somewhat more time reading the papers than usual before packing up and heading back to the apartment. I'd remembered to ask the owner if she knew the name of the flowering trees along Grand and she admitted she didn't, so a couple of pictures in an attempt to get closeups of the flowers to use later to see if I can't identify them on the web. Almond trees the most recent guess.

A line of people out in front of the Grand Lake theater waiting to see Black Panther, a Marvel film that's received enormous hype and praise running up to its release today and it's starting at nine on all four of the Grand Lake's auditoriums. I haven't gone to the movies but once in this last year,yet even I may have to go see it when the crowds die down. If the crowds die down.

Home now on a Friday. We should be able to think of something to do on a Friday, Lunar New Year Friday, if only to wander about Chinatown with a camera to see if there's anything going on. The Lunar New Year Parade next weekend, but I'm suspecting there may be dragons or such dancing about nearby if I got lucky.

Why don't I believe you?

Maybe because one doubter plus another makes two?

Later. A nap. Or two. Didn't go out, didn't really plan to go out as one may have suspected. Listened to the news, was unable to listen to anything else on television and managed to avoid everything I have underway on the tablet. Still, not a bad afternoon, with or without outside adventures. Or pictures. Cold enough to turn the heat on for an hour. Cold out there. Makes a good excuse.

Evening. Nothing I haven't seen before on television and so watched a movie from start to finish on the tablet. Weird thing, not particularly well written/acted, but the story line was different and kept your interest. So we watched it well past nine and didn't turn the lights out until ten.

The 2016 San Francisco Chinese New Year Parade taken with a Nikon D4s mounted with a 70-200mm f 2.8 Nikkor VR II lens.