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February 19, 2012

Hedged Our Bets
Sunday. To bed early again, Captain Jack having flunked the course by about the third scene into the movie last night, so we'll try a bit more of it again later this evening. Up at six-thirty without the alarm - it's a Sunday, after all - and to breakfast and back around eight. Doesn't take as long for me to read the two papers over breakfast, even if they're Sunday papers, without the Times.

The day seems more overcast than it did yesterday morning, although I see a ray of sun or two poking through. It could rain or it could clear up as it did yesterday and I'm sure I'll mention it at some length one way or another before the day is done. Don't want to leave out the exciting weekend stuff.

I have no urge to go anywhere, although I'm sure I'll eventually get in a walk. There are a bunch of local neighborhoods I'd have visited, did visit in the past, but none of them have called out to me in quite a while. I'll write it off to the winter and not to a declining old age. Spring is on the way and I'm ready, there's still life somewhere around here inside.

Later. Returning now from a (very) short walk. I do think the sun will come out later, it's peeking through now, but it was cold while I was out walking and I wasn't dressed for it. Brrr. We'll go out later, maybe in just a few minutes, maybe drive this time, head downtown, but possibly after a nap. Yes, that makes more sense as I turn over the thought: after a nap.

Later still. Ah, better. Heading out in the same jacket, but it's warmer with the sun higher, no complaints about the temperature. A walk to the morning restaurant to have coffee and a pumpkin-cheesecake whatever, my waitress bringing me a chocolate-cheesecake whatever to go with it. I must look underfed. No complaints, the bill wasn't enough to cover the coffee, but a nice sit out at a table on the patio noting the gas sign was now functional again, the price saying $4.09, although it was still set at $4.07 on the pump. A bit anal, all this, but I took a picture. Any excuse for a picture.

I decided to walk on from the café to the supermarket for sake, cottage cheese and two instant, sit on the shelf not refrigerated, chicken something or others (on sale at two for five dollars). We'll see if they're edible. Something to go with the sake was the thought, although cottage cheese and sake work quite well together.

You're not giving people a lot of confidence in your eating habits.

I'm not giving myself a lot of confidence in my eating habits. Some, just not a lot.

I was thinking, as I was walking (if thinking describes the process), that I could easily live on Grand between the supermarket and the morning café comfortably without then needing a car. Just a thought. The same bus I catch down at the bottom of my hill runs along Grand, it's within walking distance of the downtown (sorta) and everywhere I walk is reasonably close by. But again, just a thought, thinking of the years to come, if they're indeed to come, and if this touch of car driving phobia becomes more pronounced.

Or you start running into other cars.

Now, now. I didn't pay all that much attention to the thought and I do drive without issue now once I'm in the car driving, but it was, I'm afraid, real enough earlier and yes, I do occasionally think about it. While I'm walking and the sun is out. Rain could easily change the matter.

Evening. I've been ruminating on my current condition, ruminating in the sense I've now got time I can devote to whatever I might like (less some deductions this aging process demands) and, I suspect, I've been fretting over the need to find something to keep me occupied. Entertained. Stretched, but not too much, in a reasonably good direction.

Something on the web? I wonder. Photography? Well, I take pictures, but I've not pushed it as hard as a motivated photographer might. The writing? Not from the examples here, although some combination of the two would conceivably make sense. Anyway, I've been playing about with these thoughts through the afternoon until I decided to get into the sake and decided to, um, take a rest. Play a little guitar, yes, but restful guitar, nothing over the top.

You didn't pick up that much sake.

True. We've hedged our bets.

2012 San Francisco Chinese New Year Parade taken with a Nikon D3s mounted with a 70-200mm f 2.8 Nikkor VR II lens.