February 17th, 1999

Maybe I've got Microsoft Outlook incorrectly set up and that's why my messages don't get sent when I click on a mailto: link that's been embedded in a web page. Doesn't work when I click on a mailto: link on my own page to send a message to myself, yet Rien Post and a tech at my ISP were successful when they tried it with their own browsers.

I clicked on a mailto: in Rien's page and I'll hear pretty soon if he received it. I went to my own page, clicked on my own mailto:, sent a message and it never reached my mailbox. I've occasionally sent messages to the authors of some of the journals I read and I suspect they haven't received them either. Perhaps they're not as buried as I thought under an email avalanche. I don't read many journals and I certainly haven't sent many emails, but its a little depressing to think none of them arrived.

Puts me in a conundrum: If they received my email and didn't respond, that means they don't have the time to respond and I shouldn't bother them. If they didn't receive my email the results are the same: Since I believe they received it, the lack of a response still means don't send more.

I thanked all of the people who signed my guest book. Lucy from Aries Moon, Viv from First Person Particular and the others who sent encouragement. In their cases I didn't expect an answer: they sent encouragement and I sent thanks, as is appropriate. But maybe none of them received my thanks and that makes me feel a little sad.

(Don't feel sad.) Ah, well. Right. Life won't end, but I think I'll look under the mail hood on my browser.

Today I received a list of the computers we have in our Today, at lunch. group at the company as part of the Year 2000 project. We have six people counting our manager right now and, it seems, sixty computers between us. File servers, desktops and laptops, some of which are relatively modern and fun to use. Sixty computers for six people, two of whom are contractors. That doesn't count the PDA's, the printers, the scanners, the web cams or all the rest of the stuff it takes to run a desktop testing operation. They pay me to do this stuff. Honest.

The banner photograph was taken at the Oakland City Center in September. What can I say, I get an hour for lunch and the City Center is right across the street. At least the people are all different. The picture of the Sole Prop was taken by Ola Peters.